- a [[conference]] - [[pull]] [[i annotate]] - [[go]] https://iannotate.org/2021/ - [[slides]] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EqIyenQPzfm_NMcJ63w6_TCeAXg5EG3f/view?usp=sharing - [[tickets]] https://ti.to/hypothesis/ianno2021/en-GB - [[schedule]] https://iannotate.org/2021/program.html - there will be an [[agora]] lightning talk on Tuesday - [[feed]] https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22%23IAnno21%22 - [[stoa]] https://stoa.anagora.org/p/i-annotate-2021 - or see below :) ## [[2021-06-21]] - [[kick off]] - [[dan whaley]] kicks off - [[retrospective]] - 2013 - 600 attendees (!) - [[social learning across content]] - join@slac-coalition.org - [[keynote]] - [[speculative annotation]] - [[courtney mcclellan]] - [[panel]] - [[discussing social annotation and digital literacies]] - [[researching social annotation in education]] ## [[2021-06-22]] - [[lightning talks]] - kick off by [[dan whaley]] - [[panel]] (same participants) - [[the future of note taking]] ## [[2021-06-23]] - [[keynote]] [[annotation and the social prize of educational dignity]] ## [[2021-06-24]] - [[keynote]] [[a conversation about annotation, literacy and learning]] ## [[2021-06-25]] - [[keynote]] [[building annotation into browsers]] - [[panel]] [[social learning across content]]